Monday, August 18, 2008

"You mean Mrs. Brazelton does't know God?"

I love stories that creep into our lives and move us into closer communion with the body of Christ.

I received an email today from an old friend forwarded through my wife. I then called to approve the use of this story. As we conversed the blessing of God continued to grow. This old friend of mine and I apparently share a mutual friend, Jesus the Christ. We exchanged briefly our faith and for a moment saw this Jesus in one another.

The following is a guest post from my friend Kari.

I wonder how much is riding on this little story? How many souls will be touched? God has purpose and it will be fulfilled.

So - From a child to a mom, from a mom to a friend, from a wife to a husband, from a blog to a…?


I just had to share a "special moment" with you.

Sometimes I wonder why the Good Lord blessed me with two little innocent angels to care for. I know he gave them to me so that they can teach me, for one. Oh, the questions these little ones can ask.

Tonight Josie and I were watching the Olympics. In case you don't know, Josie is a little gymnast in training. She loves it so much. But tonight we watched Michael Phelps win his seventh gold by the tip of a nail. When they sang the National Anthem during the medal ceremony, she asked, "Mommy, why don't we sing that in Guntersville?"

I didn't really understand what she meant. Maybe, our past military life made her ask. We were always in "military cities", and when on base, you'd hear these things. I'm just not sure what she meant. Then later, lying in bed, she went on to say, "You know, we don't pray at school."

In total amazement, I tried to explain that in the past she's gone to Christian schools and now she is in a public school. Prayer isn't allowed because some people aren't Christian.

She continued on to say, "We don't even sing songs about Jesus in school." Then, I saw in her little eyes and heard in her voice the genuine concern, "You mean Mrs. Brazelton doesn't know God?"

"Yes, she knows God." I said.

I just learned something from my five-year old child...

Where is my concern for others? I'm so caught up in other things I don't even wonder if someone might not know God.

Today I know why God gave me the privilege of being a mommy.

May God bless our sweet, innocent, pure children.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Praise God for mothers like you, Kari that see God working through you children. I pray they never stop teaching you and me.
I love you.