Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Express Faith

-This is a partial and unedited entry - the logic and communication of ideas are lacking - however I felt the need to publish - I will revise at a later date -

Outward expression of ones inward faith is vital to the continued growth of the Kingdom of God in the current micro culture we find ourselves apart. There are cultures fed by many influences that we simply are not privy to and this has and will be the case throughout time in all directions. The intense complexity of the unity of Christ shown within the brotherhood has and will ever change. There is a fluid nature to life that will always bring new experience and need for change. I do not say that GOD is not the same today as he was in the past and will be in the future for He is outside of time; he is the originator. I simply suggest that our digestion of this sameness may not be fully in tune with the true vine of Christ. Are our practices fully alive?

One such expression in recent years has been popularized, at least in our current culture, by the Pentecostal or Charismatic movement. The act of raising hands while in praise or prayer.

Lift up your hands in the sanctuary and praise the LORD.
Psalms 134.2

I will praise you as long as I live, and in your name I will lift up my hands.
Psalms 63.4

I want men everywhere to lift up holy hands in prayer, without anger or disputing.
1 Tim. 2:8

There are many scriptural references concerning this act as well as condemnations from God when ones participation in this act is hypocritical or superficial. (Isaiah 1:15) Always, with any action, it is the heart that God views.

The idea to ponder within this discussion is not the validity or acceptance of this ritual but the power that it may possibly have within the community of Christ.

Personally I pray. Personally I fast. Personally I read. Personally I sing. Personally I worship. Personally I confess. Personally I have unity with God through Christ guided by Spirit.

BUT – I also practice all these things in community – At church.

How can one see my heart? Only in Christ through the Spirit can one unite with my heart. But, how does one know that I need their unity? There are many answers, but one that may be simple enough to digest and use regularly is the Lifting of Holy Hands. If you can so connect with God as to block out circumstance then through this action there may be unity found among believers.

Here is my testimony of the same.

I was at worship in the midst of thousands of others this past weekend. We where gathered at a church that regularly holds 10-15 thousand souls. If I where to be apart of this service regularly I would struggle to connect. How can one build relationship while congregating with a group so large? Well, the passage when Jesus commands us to love one another came to a new light in this setting.

“A new commandment I give to you, that you love one another: just as I have loved you, you also are to love one another. By this all people will know that you are my disciples, if you have love for one another.” John 13: 34-35

Now keep your mind within the concept of unity. When we bond with God through Jesus by the Spirit we are united. If there are others within this same unity then we in fact have bonded with them as well. So, when I look around a group of 15,000 men praising God I know that they are disciples because of their love. Their love - that I can physically see within the act of praise and lifting of hands.

I realize this is semantics at best and the argument will not stand intellectually so here is a further testimony of the same.

This past Sunday morning the Shekinah Glory of God fell upon the group I meet with regularly after all the rationalization and after all the corporate praise in the form of confession and testimony. From my personal participation I can confirm the love found in another when they are connected to God. I was moved to respond as well as to continue in the testimony when I saw the outward expression of inward faith. In my cultural paradigm we always end a session of community with a invitation to the alter of God. A song is sung and the wrestling begins. Within my own battleground I was faltering until I saw the hands of my fellow brothers in arms raised in unison to God the Farther. I then was redirected, realized I was not alone, I was loved by the others and I knew they where disciples of the true and mighty God. So I allowed myself sacrificed and the Spirit lead me from there to the alter of God. My ego there was slain and the blood of Christ was poured out.

A portion of this love, this fire that Christ came to our world to ignite (Luke 12:49), was sparked by the outward expression of others faith. They lifted their hands. My soul died. The Spirit led. And Christ poured out.

Express your faith! There are many ways to express. But Express.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I love that. I love that "we will know them by their love". This is why we come together, so that together we can praise our Father. When we fall from ourselves and feel His Spirit we will all see His Love for one another.
I love that.
