Thursday, May 15, 2008


Driving the kids to school this morning was particularly quiet. No screaming, no whining, no singing, no giggling: simply wonderful appreciated silence. In addition to the norm a slight mist of rain brushing the windshield coxed me into a sleepy trance. Peaceful calm.

Then, out of nowhere my son, Samuel, announces,

“You’ve got to be patient, Daddy.”

“You know, when teacher is giving out food and drink, you’ve got to be patient.”

What truth pouring out of a four year old’s mouth. “You’ve got to be patient.”

Amen. Good talk.

I am often not patient with my Teacher. The Lord promises that he will never leave me nor forsake me. He also shows me the lilies of the field and the birds of the air and asks of their worry? If the Lord takes care of the world and will never leave me, then why am I so impatient? My food and my drink are on the way. The Lord has provided.

Lord, I pray you allow me peace in knowing that you will always be there and all you have planned will fruit in its own season. Lord, help me to be still and know that you are God. Teach me patience. Teach me faith. Teach me love. Amen.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Wow! I have now read all of your posts and have laughed and cried. This is a gift. Keep using it.
Love you - Laura