Wednesday, June 25, 2008


When a pelican rides the warm air plums rising from the sea; he soars. He glides effortlessly, his nature harmonious with his environment. His will surrendered to the invisible authority of the winds. His connection to the higher reality that governs life is strengthen by each thermal rise of air. He has no need of self propulsion. He simply tunes himself to the frequency of the sea breeze and finds peace in the releasing of self.

This same release has been offered to us but for some reason we struggle to accept the invisible authority. We exhaustively flap our wings. Afraid to rely on what we cannot fully comprehend. Even when we attempt to accept the Spirit as guide and council we struggle to relax into his glory. We drudge through rationality and rely on logic. Why?

When our spirit soars within the unity of God’s glory, the gospel is proclaimed. It can not help, but to be seen. Our joy is found in God and his glory is declared to the world. Our purpose complete, we experience life abundant and Jesus smiles.

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