Thursday, April 24, 2008

A walk

I came across the below murmurings which apparently I composed 11/05/2007.

I took a walk with God this morn, in hopes of love and joy
I have been walking in this manner, since I was just a boy

I regret the wrongs I do commit, I wish for guidance more
And when my judgment comes, one day, I’m sure the Lord be torn

For there are days that I cannot quench, my indwell’n spirit’s thirst
And then there are the other days filled with horrid evil bursts

I pray that I could walk the path, of the pure and of the right
But then I fall once more as I begin to let God out of my sight

My soul’s fate, continues to remain in the Savior’s blood
Praise God for this or I would be doomed, to rot in eternal mud.

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