Wednesday, January 14, 2009


I was confronted this week with an option.

1. To offer comfort


2. To seek comfort.

I chose to seek comfort. I failed.


Paul offers a charge to the churches of Galatia,

“Bear one another’s burdens, and so fulfill the law of Christ.” 6:2

Christ, “the power of God and the wisdom of God.” (1 Corinthians 1:24)

In failing Christ, I lost a taste of holy wisdom for the sake of bodily comfort.


Although, more than likely there was no quote unquote “Actual Sin” involved, which in context may be what Paul is referring to in Galatians. However, there was a moment when, if even in small quantity, a brother was reaching out for comfort. Sure, he has other avenues of comfort, mainly Christ’s Spirit that dwells within him. But, I was there. I was the physical representation of Christ --- or was I? Apparently not.

Life is full of activities – schedules to keep – others to care for…but when an occasion arises for one to take a pause and ache with a brother…when a chance to dive into the practical wisdom of God shows its face…Do not take my advice but look to Christ and then join with Christ in offering comfort to all those in need. These moments when the fire of the Holy God wells up within us are not meant to be experienced in solitude alone. They are meant to be shared in community, shared with a brother, shared with a sister. There is a deep connection found in the unity of Christ. Don’t let these depths be found only in theory – live them – break down the walls of division and unite…with others…in Christ…in God –

Experience the Power.

For what it is worth, my heart cried in passionate anguish for the need of this brother and for all related to the issue at hand, even though I have no idea to this day what the issue is or was. If there is unity to be found in Spirit – I savored this in full, but I wonder what sort of power would have been unleashed if I would have found unity in practice, in person, in simply offering my presence.

We need more efforts in actualizing the Kingdom, not simply conceptualizing it.

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